Discord: justaishy

Aishy's Commisions

= T O S =

1. respect the prices2. I have a right to refuse a commision if I find it harmfull/uncomfortable for me or/and others3. i allow to use my work only with added credit ( JustAishy )4. the only payment method i accept is paypal ( or blik if you're polish )5. i prefer getting the payment before i start working on a commision, but I'm up to getting paid half the price before, and the rest after i finish and show the artwork6. The more complicated the commission is the longer it will take, it may take me a week to a few. I will keep you updated on the piece

= Prices and examples =


>> doodle - 3 $ / 8 zł
>> lineart - 5 $ / 10 zł
>> flat colour - 7 $ / 12 zł
>> shaded - 9 $ / 15 zł
>> rendered - 10 $ / 20 zł

Example of a rendered bust

^ rendered bust ^

Half Body

>> doodle - 5 $ / 10 zł
>> lineart - 7 $ / 15 zł
>> flat colour - 9 $ / 17 zł
>> shaded - 12 $ / 20 zł
>> rendered - 15 $ / 40 zł

Example of a rendered half body

^ rendered half ^

Full body

>> doodle - 10 $ / 15 zł
>> lineart - 12 $ / 20 zł
>> flat colour - 14 $ / 25 zł
>> shaded- 15 $ / 30 zł
>> rendered - 25 $ / 60zł

Example of a rendered half body

^ doodle, lineart and rendered fullbodies ^


>> simple background
0 $ / 0 zł
>> simple props
0,50$-2$ / 1zł-2zł
>> not-very-simple props
3$-5$ / 3zł-5zł
>> other character/s
75% of the whole price

After you choose something, just contact me ( discord, twitter ) and tell me what do you want :)